Prof. Noam Ziv

Prof. Noam Ziv



Phone: +972-4 829 5088; +972-4 829 5077



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Education and degrees

1985 – 1988 BSc Life Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1986 – 1989 BSc Computer Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1989 – 1994 PhD with Prof. Micha Spira, Dept of Neurobiology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Academic Career

1994 – 1996 Postdoctoral studies with Prof. Stephen Smith, Stanford School of Medicine
1997 – 2004 Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Technion
2004 – 2011 Associate Professor, Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Technion
2012 – Present Professor, Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Technion
Since 2007 Network Biology Laboratories, Lokey Center for Life Sciences & Engineering

Awards and Honors

1992 Charles Clore prize
1993 Rothschild Scholarship for Postdoctoral studies
1994 Award of a ‘Summa cum laude’ for PhD thesis work
1994 Fulbright Scholarship for Postdoctoral studies
2001 Braun-Roger-Siegl prize (ISF)
2002 Gutwirth prize (Technion)
2008 Jululdan prize

List of 5 most important publications related to proposal

  1. Kaufman M, Corner MA, Ziv NE. (2012) Long-term relationships between cholinergic tone, synchronous bursting and synaptic remodeling. PLoS One. 7(7):e40980.
  2. Fisher-Lavie A, Zeidan A, Stern M, Garner CC, Ziv NE. (2011) Use dependence of presynaptic tenacity. J Neurosci. 31:16770-16780.
  3. Minerbi A, Kahana R, Goldfeld L, Kaufman M, Marom S, Ziv NE. (2009) Long-term relationships between synaptic tenacity, synaptic remodeling and network activity. PLoS Biol, 7(6):e1000136.
  4. Tsuriel S, Fisher A, Wittenmayer N, Dresbach T, Garner CC, Ziv NE. (2009) Exchange and redistribution dynamics of the cytoskeleton of the active zone molecule Bassoon.  J Neurosci, 29:351-358.
  5. Tsuriel S, Geva R, Zamorano P, Dresbach T, Boeckers T, Gundelfinger ED, Garner CC, Ziv NE. (2006) Local sharing as a predominant determinant of synaptic matrix molecular dynamics. PLoS Biol, 4:1572-1587.