Gender measures
We are strongly committed to promoting the careers of female students and postdocs in the area of neuroscience
The SFB 1089 has implemented a number of specialized strategies to this end, in addition to the established programs of the Bonn University.
- We are offering a special coaching program for all female Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows working in the SFB. Every participant will be assigned a mentor, an experienced researcher that does not have to be located in Bonn, who will advise the mentee in the planning of their careers and assist the development of their potential and competencies. If the mentor is not located in Bonn the SFB will support travel to allow for bi-annual one-to-one mentoring sessions. The contacts formed by the vice chair Susanne Schoch McGovern, also in the context of the BMBF Program “Research groups in the Neurosciences” (which was aimed at increasing the number of women professors), has been eminently useful to form contacts with potential mentors.
- Compact seminars (2-3 days) dealing with for example “Analysis of potential and career planning” or “Scientific presentation skills”.
- Seminar series for the mentees to which we will specifically invite female scientists – both young investigators and senior scientists – to acquaint the mentees with their options in academia. Particularly, the visiting PIs will be hosted preferentially by female postdocs and Ph.D. students.