Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tchumatchenko

Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tchumatchenko

Professor of Computational Neuroscience of Behaviour




2011 Dr. rer. nat. in Computational Neuroscience, Göttingen University, Germany, Summa cum laude.
2006 Diplom in Physics, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
2001 Abitur at the Augustiner Schule Friedberg, Germany


Academic Career:

2011 – 2013 Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Columbia University, New York City, USA


Independent Max Planck Research Group Leader, Head of the group “Theory of Neural Dynamics”, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany.

Awards and Honors:

2020                 ERC Starting grant 2020, MolDynForSyn Project

2020                 Member of the Young Academy of Europe

2018                 Three-year grant of DFG Computational Connectomics priority program

2018                 Selected by the Focus Magazine as one of 25 young innovators who will shape Germany in the next 25 years

2016                 Dollwet Foundation Award

2016                 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Prize of the German Research Foundation

2013-2015         Behrens-Weise-Foundation Award

2013                 Fellowship at the Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience, Frankfurt am Main

2011-2013         Computational Sciences fellowship at the Volkswagen Foundation

2009                 Sloan Swartz Travel Grant

2008-2010         Five travel grants competitively awarded by the Göttingen Graduate School

2004-2006         Fellowship at the German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)

2001                 Award of the Membership in the German Physics Society (DPG) upon high-school graduation for excellent exam results

Memberships, academic and professional duties (selection):

2019,2020           Reviewer for the European Commission

Since 2020          Faculty member Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior

2019                   Brains4Brains Bernstein Award Committee member

2019,2020           Selection committee member for the Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Life Science for the Joachim Herz Foundation

2018,2019           Workshop Chair and Co-Chair for the Bernstein Conference

2018, 2020          Elected Steering Committee member at the Bernstein Computational Neuroscience Network

2017, 2019          Brains4Brains Bernstein Award Committee member

2019                   Member of the selection committee for the Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Life Science at the Joachim Herz Foundation

2018                   Max Planck Selection Committee member for a group leader position

2015-2017           Program Committee member of the Organization for Computational Neuroscience (CNS)

2015-2018           Program Committee member of the Computational and Systems Neuroscience Conference (Cosyne)

2013-2020           Faculty member Max Planck Research School for Neural Circuits

2016                   Host for Workshop “Signatures of efficient neural coding” at the Bernstein Conference, jointly with Susanne Schreiber

2016                   Program committee member and session host for “Coding Strategies in Networks of Neurons” at the Rhine-Main neuroscience network biannual meeting

2015-2018           Max Planck Selection Committee member for the nomination of  new director in the MPG biomedical section

2013                   Host for Frontiers Research Topic “Correlated neuronal activity and its relationship to coding, dynamics and network architecture”, jointly with Ruben Moreno-Bote and Robert Rosenbaum

2013                   Host for Workshop “Functional role of correlations: theory and experiment” at the Society for Computational Neuroscience annual Meeting, Paris, France, jointly with Srdjan Ostojic

  • Alumni representative of Göttingen Graduate School for national review

List of 10 most important publications

  1. Fonkeu, Y., Kraynuykova, N., Hafner, A-S., Sartori, F., Schuman, E.M., Tchumatchenko, T. (2019) How mRNA Localization and Protein Synthesis Sites Influence Dendritic Protein Distribution and Dynamics. Neuron, 103, 1109–1122.
  2. Fabio Sartori, Anne-Sophie Hafner, Ali Karimi, Yombe Fonkeu, Erin M. Schuman, Tatjana Tchumatchenko (2020) Statistical Laws of Protein Motion in Neuronal Dendritic Trees. Cell Reports 33 (7) 108391
  3. Kraynuykova, N., and Tchumatchenko, T. (2018) Stabilized supralinear network can give rise to bistable, oscillatory, and persistent activity. PNAS, 115, 3464–3469.
  4. Herfurth, T., and Tchumatchenko, T. (2017) How linear response shaped models of neural circuits and the quest for alternatives. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 46, 234–240.
  5. Tchumatchenko, T., and Clopath, C. (2014) Oscillations emerging from noise-driven steady state in networks with electrical synapses and subthreshold resonance. Nature Communications, 5, 5512.
  6. Herfurth, T., and Tchumatchenko, T. (2019) Information transmission of mean and variance coding in integrate-and-fire neurons. Physical Review E, 99, 032420.
  7. Dettner, A., Münzberg, S., Tchumatchenko, T. (2016) Temporal pairwise spike correlations fully capture single-neuron information. Nature Communications, 7, 13805.
  8. Tchumatchenko, T., Malyshev, A., Wolf, F., Volgushev, M. (2011) Ultrafast population encoding by cortical neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 12171–12179.
  9. Tchumatchenko, T., Malyshev, A., Geisel, T., Volgushev, M., Wolf, F. (2010) Correlations and synchrony in threshold neuron models. Physical Review Letters, 104, 058102.
  10. Tchumatchenko, T., Geisel, T., Volgushev, M., Wolf, F. (2010) Signatures of synchrony in pairwise count correlations. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 4, 1.