Bonn researchers explore the neural processes that help link different aspects of episodic memory. Bonn, September 10 – Our brains possess an incredible ability to encode and store memories, capturing the essence of our experiences by linking the ‘who/what,’ ‘where,’ and
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Frank Bradke receives Remedios Caro Almela Prize

Bonn/Alicante, July, 24th, 2023. Neurobiologist Frank Bradke, a senior researcher at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and a professor at the University of Bonn, will be awarded with the „Remedios Caro Almela Prize for Research in Developmental Neurobiology“,
Read moreDZNE: AG Bradke unravels new insights into the role of the Centrosome in neuron migration. Now out in Neuron!
The growth and migration of neurons in the brain are the focus of a recent study. As nerve cells form, they wire the brain to allow communication with other nerve cells. The axon, one of the wires that form when
Read moreCircuit-selective cell-autonomous regulation of inhibition in pyramidal neurons by Ste20-like kinase paper in Cell Reports out.
A study led by the IEECR has identified a mechanism relying on Ste20-like kinase that allows single cortical neurons to cell-autonomously adjust feedforward inhibition they receive to the cell-specific levels of excitatory input. The authors propose that this mechanism is critical
Read morePaper in Brain out! Targeting aberrant dendritic integration to treat cognitive comorbidities of epilepsy.
Memory deficits are a debilitating symptom of epilepsy, but little is known about mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits. Here, we describe a Na+ channel-dependent mechanism underlying altered hippocampal dendritic integration, degraded place coding, and deficits in spatial memory. Two-photon glutamate uncaging experiments
Read moreTargeting aberrant dendritic integration to treat cognitive comorbidities of epilepsy. Paper in Brain out!

Memory deficits are a debilitating symptom of epilepsy, but little is known about mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits. Here, we describe a Na+ channel-dependent mechanism underlying altered hippocampal dendritic integration, degraded place coding, and deficits in spatial memory. Two-photon glutamate uncaging experiments
Read moreAG Bradke published a new paper: An active vesicle priming machinery suppresses axon regeneration upon adult CNS injury
Neurons Able to “Talk” Cannot Regenerate Adult neurons of the central nervous system do not regenerate if they are damaged, for example following a spinal cord injury. A study by DZNE researchers published in the scientific journal “Neuron” provides evidence
Read moreFrank Bradke awarded “Carl Zeiss Lecture”

Prof. Frank Bradke, research group leader at DZNE and a professor at the University of Bonn, will give this year’s “Carl Zeiss Lecture”. With this award, which has been presented since 1990, the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ) recognizes outstanding
Read moreAG Bradke published an article about axon regeneration and astrocyte reactivity after CNS injury
An inhibitory extracellular milieu and neuron-intrinsic processes prevent axons from regenerating in the adult central nervous system (CNS). Here we show how the two aspects are interwoven. Genetic loss-of-function experiments determine that the small GTPase RhoA relays extracellular inhibitory signals to the cytoskeleton by adapting mechanisms
Read moreCRC 1089 extended
We are happy and excited to announce that the DFG has extended funding for the CRC 1089 for another 4 years. In the CRC 1089, BCN scientists together with partners from the DZNE and caesar, as well as national and
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