During systems-level consolidation, mnemonic representations initially reliant on the hippocampus are thought to migrate to neocortical sites for more permanent storage, with an eminent role of sleep for facilitating this information transfer. Mechanistically, consolidation processes have been hypothesized to rely on
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Difference in the information processing of humans and ape

A study at the University of Bonn revealed an unexpected difference in the information processing of humans and apes. Both can recognize very quickly, whereas a counterpart looks. The evaluation of the viewing direction is carried out in monkeys in so-called Amygdala,
Read moreSFB Scientists discover altered grid-cell like representations in the entorhinal cortex of humans with genetic risk for AD.

SFB Scientists discover altered grid-cell like representations in the entorhinal cortex of humans with genetic risk for AD. To see the press release click here. To see the paper click here, please.
Read moreWe welcome Prof. Ilan Lampl
We welcome Prof. Ilan Lampl , Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, to Bonn as a Mercator Visiting Professor of the SFB 1089, starting 16th April 2015.
Read moreSFB members have identified neural circuits in the brains of mice that are pivotal for movement and navigation in space.

Researchers in Bonn have identified neural circuits in the brains of mice that are pivotal for movement and navigation in space.These nerve cells that are presumed to exist in a similar form in humans, give the start signal for locomotion
Read moreSFB members discover a mesocortical inhibitory circuit

In the paper Function and developmental origin of a mesocortical inhibitory circuit, Dr. Sandra Blaess and members of the Laboratory of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research discover a mesocortical inhibitory circuit. This mesocortical circuit provides glutamatergic excitation of interneurons and inhibits pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal
Read moreSFB Members demonstrate link between structural degeneration of dendrites and hyperexcitability in an Alzheimers model

In a paper in the Journal Neuron, SFB 1089 PI Stefan Remy (DZNE Bonn) and his laboratory have demonstrated that structural changes in dendrites are a key contributor to altered functional properties of neurons in a mouse model of Alzheimers disease. Visit
Read moreDiseases of the Brain: Computer Model of Nerve Cells Provides Insights into Communication Problems
Study shows the interdependency between the structure and function of neurons Bonn, Germany, November, 13th, 2014. In diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, the neurons fail to communicate correctly with each other. As Bonn-based researchers of the German
Read moreSFB1089 – Progress Meeting on October 29

This year the SFB – Progress Meeting will be on October 29. For further information please contact info@sfb1089.de
Read moreArchetypal CA1 neurons break the mold
Newly discovered nerve cell shape allows communication without detours In certain nerve cells, the structure that receives stimuli from other cells is directly connected with the axon, the signal-transmitting cell extension. The previously unknown nerve cell shape was discovered in
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