In a paper in the Journal Neuron, SFB 1089 PI Stefan Remy (DZNE Bonn) and his laboratory have demonstrated that structural changes in dendrites are a key contributor to altered functional properties of neurons in a mouse model of Alzheimers disease. Visit
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Diseases of the Brain: Computer Model of Nerve Cells Provides Insights into Communication Problems
Study shows the interdependency between the structure and function of neurons Bonn, Germany, November, 13th, 2014. In diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, the neurons fail to communicate correctly with each other. As Bonn-based researchers of the German
Read moreSFB1089 – Progress Meeting on October 29
This year the SFB – Progress Meeting will be on October 29. For further information please contact
Read moreArchetypal CA1 neurons break the mold
Newly discovered nerve cell shape allows communication without detours In certain nerve cells, the structure that receives stimuli from other cells is directly connected with the axon, the signal-transmitting cell extension. The previously unknown nerve cell shape was discovered in
Read moreNeuronal communcation through axon-carrying dendrites demonstrated
SFB1089 scientists demonstrate privileged neuronal communcation through axon-carrying dendrites. For more information click here.
Read moreEU FP7 consortium EPITARGET with strong SFB1089 participation
A research consortium funded by the EU with ~12 Million € has been launched. The project entitled “Targets and biomarkers for antiepileptogenesis” (EPITARGET) is focused on identifying novel biomarkers for epileptogenesis and exploring new ways of how to treat epilepsy. The project
Read moreERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Istvan Mody
An ERC Advanced Grant was awarded to Prof. Istvan Mody (The other side of optogenetics: multicolored genetically encoded hybrid voltage sensors (GEVOS) for ultrafast membrane potential measurements in cortical microcircuits), who will come to Bonn to establish techniques for genetically
Read moreERC Consolidator Grant Award der EU für Prof. Günter Mayer
SFB Mitglied Prof. Günter Mayer, der Leiter der Abteilung Chemische Biologie und Aptamere des LIMES-Instituts erhält einen ERC Consolidator Grant Award der EU. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
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