Dr. Michael Wenzel

Dr. Michael Wenzel



Phone: +49-228 287 15709

Email: michael.wenzel@ukbonn.de

Website: eecr-bonn.de


2010                 State exam, Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich

2012                 Dr. med., Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, LMU, Munich


Academic Career:

2011-2013         Clinical Training, Dept. of Neurology, LMU Munich

2014-2017         Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, NYC (USA)

2017-2018         Associate Research Scientist, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, NYC

Since 2018        Clinical Training, Dept. of Epileptology, Bonn University Medical Center (UKB), Bonn

Since 2019        Bonfor young investigator

Since 2020        Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience


Awards and Honors:

2020                 Life and Health Research Prize (University of Bonn)

2020                 Hertie Fellow, Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience

2019                 Bonfor – junior research group award (University of Bonn)

2016                 Fellows Program AES Meeting (American Epilepsy Society)

2014                 MeCuM ’Mentor of the Year’, LMU Munich

2010                 Harvard-Munich-Alliance for Medical Education

2007-2010         German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Dt. Volkes)

2007-2009         Molecular Medicine Program (FöFoLe), LMU Munich

2009                 German National Research Foundation (DFG, GraKo 1202)


Memberships, academic and professional duties (selection):

Since 2020        Deutsche Gesellschaft für Epileptologie

Since 2014        Society for Neuroscience


List of 10 most important publications

  1. Wenzel M, Hamm JP, Peterka DS, Yuste R. (2019) Acute focal seizures start as local synchronizations of neuronal ensembles. J Neurosci, 39 (43) 8562-8575
  2. Wenzel M*, Han S*, Smith EH*, Hoel E, Greger B, House PA, Yuste R. (2019) Reduced repertoire of cortical microstates and neuronal ensembles in medically induced loss of consciousness. Cell Systems, 8, 467–474, *equal contribution
  3. Jayant K*, Wenzel M*, Hamm JP, Bando Y, Sahin O, Shepard KL, Yuste R. (2019) Flexible nanopipettes for minimally invasive intracellular electrophysiology in vivo. Cell Reports, 26, 266–278, *equal contribution
  4. Liou JY*, Ma H*, Wenzel M, Zhao M, Baird-Daniel E, Smith EH, Daniel AGS, Emerson R, Yuste R, Schwartz TH, Schevon CA. (2018) Role of inhibitory control in modulating focal seizure spread. Brain, 141, Issue 7, 2083–2097, *equal contribution
  5. Wenzel M, Hamm JP, Peterka DS, Yuste R. (2017) Reliable and elastic propagation of cortical seizures in vivo. Cell Reports, 19, 2681–2693
  6. Baird-Daniel E*, Daniel AGS*, Wenzel M, Li D, Liou JY, Laffont P, Zhao M, Yuste R, Ma H, Schwartz TH. (2017) Glial waves are triggered by seizure activity and not essential for initiating ictal onset or neurovascular coupling. Cerebral Cortex, 27:3318-3330, *equal contribution
  7. Höhne C, Wenzel M, Angele B, Hammerschmidt S, Häcker H, Klein M, Bierhaus A, Sperandio M, Pfister HW, Koedel U. (2013) HMGB1 prolongs inflammation and worsens disease in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. Brain, 136(Pt 6):1746-59.
  8. Wenzel M, Wunderlich M, Besch R, Poeck H, Willms S, Schwantes A, Kremer M, Sutter G, Endres S, Schmidt A, Rothenfusser S. (2012) Cytosolic DNA triggers mitochondrial apoptosis via DNA damage signaling proteins independently of AIM2 and RNA polymerase III. J Immunol, 188(1):394-403
  9. Schmidt A, Schwerd T, Hamm W, Hellmuth JC, Cui S, Wenzel M, Hoffmann FS, Michallet MC, Besch R, Hopfner KP, Endres S, Rothenfusser S. (2009) 5′-triphosphate RNA requires base-paired structures to activate antiviral signaling via RIG-I. PNAS, 106(29):12067-72

Other publications:

  1. Wenzel M, Leunig A, Han S, Peterka DS, Yuste R. (2019) Prolonged anesthesia alters brain synaptic architecture. bioRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/862334